Work orders or Jobs
What is a Work Order or a Job ?
- Create your First work Order
Add product or Services to performed by service technician

A work order / Job is a document (digital or paper) that describes maintenance work approved for execution, Work orders can be submitted to customers and staff, depending on the type of business, industry, and facility being managed. In addition, work orders provide details about the work to be completed, such as location, skills requirements, and tools needed products needs to install etc.
Additionally, it can describe what services needs to performed at the job site.

Create your first work order
- Enter Bill to
- Select Service Address
- Add item
- Add Txes
- Add Discount
Select customer
Select Service Address
Add service or product details from master
Add taxes if applicable
Add discount
Add services and describe what work was performed as part of the execution of the job !
Add line items products or services
- Choose products or services from the master
Add line item details

You can add Products or Services from the product master or service master , this will help Field service technician to perform his Job without any dealy.

Assign Team Member or Field Service Technician
- Assigning Work Orders to Technicians
Assign work order to one of your team members
You can assign a work order to your service technicians. The assigned technician(s) appear on the work order, where both you and your client can see the work order assignment. Additionally work order will be also appear on employees calendar for assigned date and time slot .
Calendar Assignments
- Calendar view
Work order will be displayed on scheduler calendar

All work orders will be displayed on calendar for scheduler to manage scheduling and assigning jobs with efficiency.

Start Work and Finish Work Order
- Start Work Order
- Finish Work Order
Service tech can start the work order to log time
Service tech can mark it for completion when the work is complete
Field service technician can start and mark the work order after for completion when the job is complete.