Quotations Estimates
Create your Estimate
- Create Beautiful Estimate
- Impress your Client
- Online Accpecptance
ServiceSeers helps you to create beautiful estimates with photos and modern templates
ServiceSeers offers electronic signature for your customers
Get customer Approval online and start working on converting it to Invoice or work order based on your job requirement

Do you create estimates, quotes, or proposals for prospective customers before you start a job?
You can create your estimates in ServiceSeers, email them to customers, and then convert them into Work orders for your service technician to start the Job once the job is complete convert it to an invoice after you complete the work. Here’s how you do it.

Step-by-step instructions
- Navigate to Plus sign
- Bill To
- Choose Address
- Add Item
- Enter Quanity
- Enter Product or Service Sales Price
- Markup or Margin
- Charge Tax
- Add Discount
Create new Quotation or Estimate
Select Customer Name
Select appropriate Service address
Add list of products or Services
Enter Quantity for the line item
Please add product or Service Sales Price
Add Markup and Margin
Add Tax Manually or Selected Pre-entered tax based on the county
You can additionally add discount
Once you maintain your product and service master all you have to do is to select appropriate product or service at the line item level .
You can send email or Text estimate to your customer , customer can accept quote electronically and you can get immediately notified of the status change .
Add Job Location Details
- Job Name
- Job Location
- Valid Until
- Prepeared By
- Notes
Add a meaningful Job Name for example - John Doe Basement Job
Attic , Basement , Kitchen add more important details about the job location
Validity date of your Estimate
Add details of the user who prepared the Estimate or Quote
Add Customer Notes and write a message to customer

Add meaningful information for your service technician so he / she knows what to expect before they even step foot at the Job site ....

Convert an Estimate Into a Workorder
- Approved Estimates
Approved Estimates can be converted to a work order
Once your customer approved your estimate you can convert it to a Work Order and assign it to your preferred Service Technician
Convert to Invoice
- Completion of work
After successful Job completion you can convert the work order to an invoice

When your customer approved your estimate and you finish your work for this customer, you can convert the estimate into an invoice form your list of estimates simply by clicking Convert to invoice on the estimate details